Abandoned Warehouse by Ryan McGuire @ Gratisography
Ever since quarantine measures were imposed in many parts of the world, it has become apparent that SARS-CoV-2, the name of the virus strain that causes COVID-19, is not the only enemy we are facing. On top of the deadly coronavirus, people have to deal with personal safety and survival on a daily basis, more so for those who live in an urban setting.
In the city, everyone faces a multitude of hazards that can be difficult to surmount. Understanding these hazards is a matter of life and death if you are living in an urban jungle and you have to go out in the streets to go to work. So take control of your personal safety every single day. Always think safety first!
Avoid Unnecessary Risks
City life exposes you to different conditions that are beyond your control. For instance, when buying food or going for grocery runs it is wise to do it during off hours and especially not during paydays when people flock to stores or markets. You not only lessen the risk of getting infected, you also have a better chance of enjoying a hassle-free shopping.
And while there are no definitive studies available yet, it is safer to prepare your own food at home as restaurant dining have been shown to increase infection risks, according to a CDC report. Lastly, with all the hustle and bustle of city life, it is just prudent to wash your hands often to help prevent infection.
Mind Your Mind
Survival in a pandemic, or any scenario for that matter, takes more than just knowledge and skills. There are cases where people with little or no training have managed to endure hazardous conditions, while there are also those who have been trained in survival and yet have perished in life-threatening situations. The difference is in mental attitude.
Never forget that this pandemic can take more than just physical toll from anyone. Your psychological health can and will suffer especially if you live in a stressful and congested environment like that of a city. Your mental health is a key (if not the most important) aspect of survival and thus it should not be overlooked.
Stress affects your personality. And the longer this quarantine lasts, the higher risk that people will suffer some form of psychological imbalance, like birds in cages. Already there are reports from many urbanized areas around the world that point to an increasing number of mental breakdowns largely due to COVID-19 pandemic.
So keeping up a positive mental attitude is vital even at these times. It’s not easy but no one said you’ll have to go at it alone. Reach out and you’ll find that there’s no shortage of people and organizations willing to lend you a hand. Having someone to talk to can be a big help.
Always Be Prepared
When you’re caught unprepared in a situation, you panic. And panic can lead to bad decisions. First, you’ll hesitate to act at the most crucial moment. Before you know it, your situation has become futile and you are in a quicksand. It can be worse if you are caught in a city with high cost of living. Make sure you have everything you need to survive. For instance, stock up on food and your maintenance medicines. Always plan your days ahead so you can minimize exposure to the virus if you have to go out of your home.
Panic can be a real nightmare if you live in an urban setting. The very first time that authorities imposed strict quarantine rules, I did not have enough food in my cupboard and I was worried. I basically didn’t know what to do, except pray that whatever stuff I had would last for several weeks. It stressed me out. I was in panic mode and I was sleepless for several nights. This would have never happened to me if I was in my family’s farm in the countryside where we grow what we eat. Fortunately, the lockdown eased up and I wasted no time restocking my pantry.
Look Out For Yourself
Your survival is your responsibility. It is your duty to yourself and your family. The government can dole out all manner of assistance using taxpayers’ money, but that will never be enough. When all is said and done, your survival depends largely on you and the actions you take. Self-reliance is the name of the game if you want to survive. It held true since the dawn of humanity during the age of the hunter-gatherers. It holds true now during this pandemic.
Teamwork Will Save the Day
While self-reliance is vital for survival, it doesn’t mean you have to live in a vacuum. As with any endeavor at work or at home, working as part of a team can spell the difference between success and failure. There’s no better time for cooperation than during a crisis such as what we have now.
There is always something you can do to blunt the impact of this pandemic not just on yourself but on others as well. And this is not just about donating financial resources or volunteering in various COVID-related organizations. You can start off by following the quarantine guidelines in your city. You will do your community a huge favor just by avoiding excessive food wastes or by checking up on your neighbors to make sure they’re okay.
COVID-19 Survival Key Takeaways:
Avoid unnecessary risks
Look after your mental health
Always be prepared
Take good care of yourself
Take an active role in your community
Remember, this pandemic is temporary. Look forward to the day when all is well. In the meantime, stay safe always.